Types of Offences
(D) Types of Offences
1. Attire and Appearance
1.1 Disobeying school rules on attire
1.2 PE T-shirt not tucked in
1.3 Not wearing Temasek socks
1.4 Wearing Temasek socks with the logo below the ankle
1.5 Name tag or school badge not sewn on the uniform/t-shirt
1.6 Shoulder-length hair not tied/ long fringe not clipped/ fringe touching the eyebrow (girls)
1.7 Hair touching the ears or the shirt collar/ fringe touching the eyebrows (boys)
1.8 Wearing colourful and fanciful hair accessories, ear studs, earrings and ear sticks
1.9 Wearing accessories e.g. necklace, friendship bands
1.10 Having long nails
2. Behaviour Related Offences
2.1 Not submitting class work, homework, project work, etc without a valid reason
2.2 Behaving in a disruptive and dangerous manner in the classroom, school compound or school bus
2.3 Failure to bring required materials such as art materials, musical instrument, PE attire, etc
2.4 Staying in classroom during recess in the absence of teacher
2.5 Venturing to out of bounds area in the absence of teacher e.g. Indoor Sports Hall, Field, computer labs
2.6 Littering
2.7 Telling lies
2.8 Name-calling
2.9 Eating outside the school canteen
2.10 Using abusive, offensive or vulgar language
2.11 Loitering outside the school in school uniform and causing a nuisance to the public
2.12 Bringing electronic and/or mobile devices to school
2.13 Possession of any weapons or weapon-like items, including sharp-pointed and sharp-edged tools or equipment, with or without intention of causing harm to others. Any student caught in possession of such items is subject to disciplinary actions.
3. Come to school punctually
3.1 Arriving in school after 7.30 a.m.
3.2 Absent from school without Medical Certificate/letter from parent/guardian.
3.3 Missing lessons/activities (including CCA, Enrichment and Remedial) without a Medical Certificate or a letter from parent/guardian.
4. Truancy
4.1 Being absent from school without parent’s/guardian’s knowledge
4.2 Leaving school premises during curriculum time without permission from a teacher
5. Dishonesty
5.1 Stealing/Shoplifting
5.2 Cheating during tests/assessments
5.3 Changing marks on examination/ test papers
5.4 Forging parent’s/ guardian’s/teacher’s signatures
5.5 Changing information on Medical Certificates, forms, etc, with the intention to deceive
5.6 Breaching of tests/examination rules and regulations
6. Open Defiance
6.1 Refusing to conform to school rules, norms and practices
6.2 Disobeying teachers’ instructions
6.3 Displaying rudeness and disrespect in speech or body language
6.4 Using abusive, offensive or vulgar language
6.5 Shouting at/confronting teacher disrespectfully
7. Misconduct
7.1 Bullying
7.2 Assault
7.3 Extortion
7.4 Vandalism
7.5 Fighting
7.6 Gambling
7.7 Smoking/ Possession of cigarette/ lighter
7.8 Using information communications and technology (e.g. computer, SMS, Internet, electronic mail) improperly or unlawfully
7.9 Any inconsiderate behaviour that affect others physically or psychologically
8. Cyber Offences
8.1 Displaying offensive materials such as unkind messages or inappropriate pictures
8.2 Sending emails or making entries on social networks using offensive language
8.3 Sending emails or making entries on social networks which provoke, insult or attack other people
8.4 Intentionally causing damage to laptops/IPads or data stored on laptops belonging to the school
8.5 Tampering of data stored on the school ICT devices and on the Internet